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Several Clues Of A HFA Or High Functioning Alcoholic - 15 Sep 2018 17:05


While alcoholism is a devastating disease that can ruin lives, a number of people who battle with it manage to hold down stressful jobs and big responsibilities. From the outside, these so-called high-functioning alcoholics seem to have it all together. They can drive great cars, live in great neighborhoods, and make a substantial income.

Just because they're high-functioning does not mean that they're immune to the repercussions of alcohol. They're still in danger of harming themselves and others around them. A pilot nursing a hangover, a surgeon with trembling hands, or a banker managing large sums of money are each at-risk of inducing horrendous disasters if they stay on their dysfunctional course.

Listed below are some warning signs that can really help in recognizing these time bombs:

1. They consume alcohol rather than eating food.

alcohol dependence will regularly remove and replace meals with a few drinks, lose interest in food completely, or use mealtime as a reason to begin drinking.

2. They can wake up without a hangover, even after numerous drinks.

Drinking alcohol regularly over an extended period of time can trigger the body to become addicted to alcohol. Commonly high-functioning alcoholics are able to drink a good deal without the same hangover that afflicts the random drinker.

3. Not drinking makes them irritable, jittery, or uncomfortable.

If an alcoholic is forced to avoid drinking, his or her physical body regularly reacts negatively, as they are dependent on the tranquillizing effects of alcohol. Abrupt quitting can trigger anxiety, nervousness, perspiration, a quickened heart rate, as well as seizures.

4. Their behavior patterns change noticeably while under the influence of alcohol.

Alcoholics may alter significantly when they drink. For instance, a generally mild-mannered person may become belligerent, or make impetuous choices.

5. They cannot have just two drinks.

A problem drinker has a problem quiting, and may even finish others' drinks. alcohol abuser will never be left on the table, and there is always an excuse for one more round.

6. Time spans of amnesia or "blacking out" are common.

Many problem drinkers will take part in activities that they have no memory of the next day. alcohol dependent person may not appear extremely intoxicated at the moment, but they're not able to remember activities that took place.


7. Attempts to discuss drinking habits are met with hostility and denial.

When confronted with matters involving their alcohol consumption, alcoholics will generally retreat to denial or aggression, making a dialogue hard. - Comments: 0

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